A deaf girl loved to play the violin, but she was faced with discrimination because of her handicap.
She ran to an old deaf musician, whom she befriended with since she was little, and asked him through her tears:
- Why am I different from others?
The old musician smiled and motioned his hands:
-Why...do you have to be like others?
Music is a visible thing. Close your eyes and you will see...
Inspirational and touching Pantene advertisement with beautiful music.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Rabbit and the Monkey

It has been months since the rabbit last saw her friends. She was having an emotional break-down.
Many things had happened that the rabbit had wished she could disappear from the world.
There were times when everyone was asleep, the rabbit would think of all the methods to end her sufferings.
Which would be the quickest and least painful way to die?, thought the rabbit.
No, she would need to experience the physical pain in order to treat her emotional agony inside her.
Then, should she cut her wrist and let the scarlet stream of blood flowing out?
Perhaps...or or maybe she should jump from somewhere, somewhere high! At the same time she would taste the wind, she would see the ground and how beautiful everything was before she hit the ground...
The rabbit loved the wind!
She once thought the wind was a union of the souls of those who once lived on the earth.
She would love to be the wind--roaming freely from place to place without worries without pain.
But then, she still loved this life, if she were to go, what would happen to her mother and sister, and relatives who had so many hopes in her.
She failed them.
Perhaps it would be better if she wasn't there.
Yet day by day, the rabbit couldn't bring herself to do the deed. Maybe she didn't have the courage to do so--or maybe she still wanted to linger on this life.
But things were changing at the start of the spring, the rabbit met her old friend, the monkey.
This monkey had liked her some years ago, but now the monkey had found a lovely meerkat as his love.
The rabbit was still alone.
Maybe just a little, the rabbit felt jealousy...but then again, the rabbit was the type that tended to keep everything inside, so she suppressed this ugly feeling deep down.
Maybe the monkey had sensed something was wrong with the rabbit.
Yes, only the monkey could notice these things that no one knew, for the monkey and rabbit had so many things in common.
The monkey wanted to ask the rabbit, but she refused to answer...
The monkey sent a song to the rabbit, telling her to smile and smile and to feel happy.
Yes, this is thing that only the monkey would think of to cheer the rabbit.
That day it was raining and a little bit chilly, but the rabbit felt warm inside.
The rabbit knew that it would be wrong to feel love as the monkey already had someone.
Yet the rabbit was still happy.
Yes, this feeling the rabbit would keep inside like she always had.
This feeling was special.
This feeling only the rabbit knew.
No one else, not even the monkey...
for if the monkey ever came after the rabbit again, the rabbit would run away...like she always had...
To my friend, thank you ;)
Monday, July 6, 2009
Getting back on track

I've been gaming too much that I seem to lost tracks of things I need to take care of.
I lost contact with friends and my counselor because of this.
This July I will straighten things up or else I will be in big TROUBLE.
So these are the things I need to do for the next few weeks:
+ Complete appeal letter before Wednesday
+ Call Animal Rescue League and ask for an interview
+ Take written driver license and take driving lesson
+ Make a schedule
+ Look for a job at Target or participate in some kind of programs (relating to art and programming)
+ Learn 10 new vocabs each day (need them for college writing in the fall) and read more books
+ Continue to move stuffs to my new apartment
+ Oh! Remember to buy paints (dark and light pink) for my room ;D
I've regained my inspiration for art again, time to work and sketch out those ideas
Ideas (titles only)
+ Dream weaver (sketch completed)
+ Tears collector (need more ideas on this)
+ Strangers in Paradise (Andre Re's song to get inspired)
+ Killed (swan, you know the idea)
Siggies! Must keep my words making siggies for
+ Macro/Micheal
+ Zerthyl/ WH
+ Crap/ Meovin ;D
+ Aliyssa/Lily
Many things to doooooo~~~~~~~~~~
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
In this world of ours

In this world of ours,
We eat only to cast out,
Sleep only to wake,
And what comes after all that
Is simply to die at last.
— Matsuo Basho
Out of all Matsuo Basho's poems that I've came across, I found this one the most fascinating.
His view of life is interesting: eat, sleep, and finally die and this cycle of life and death continues on, much like Buddha's view.
There are two ways to perceive Basho's thoughts:
1. We came to this world only to die, then what is the point of trying hard, knowing that once we die, we can bring no money, no fame, nothing with us.
2. We came to this world and must be prepared for our deaths. Therefore, we must live such a life full of meanings and righteousness, so that when we go, we shall not leave any regrets behind.
It is true that we can bring no power nor money to the afterlife. Yet our footprints can linger for generations and generations after our death.
It is up to us to view life, either a long, winding, and tiresome road in which death is the final destination, or an unending journey we seek for knowledge and love in which death is a reward.
Da Vinci, Picasso, Van Gogh, Michelangelo and many other great artists might be dead, but their works are still alive today
We can still see what they saw, and feel what they felt through their works of art.
Socrates, Aristotle, Rosseau, John Locke, Whitman, Emerson, Basho and many other great thinkers were no longer here, yet their thoughts and ideals are still appreciated and studied until now.
These men have pursued their passions during their lifetime
And hence they shall live on for centuries and centuries after.
All things are deemed to die eventually: the grass, the ant, the zebras, the lions, and the humans.
Even the sun doesn't last forever.
Death is unexpected. Some of us may be living today. Some of us may be dying tomorrow.
The important is that whether our lives are fulfilled or not when we have to go.
Experience things. Be englighted.
Only then can we say that we have no regrets and no fear upon our deaths.
Taste what you can
Feel what you want to feel
Forgive as many people in your life as you can
Accept love
And don't forget to Give as much as you can
Feel the wind brushes gently over you face as you stand on top of a green hill.
Taste the salt mingled in the ocean's breath
Receive the warmth as you hug another loved ones
Or just feel a little tenderness inside your heart as you smile to a stranger walking down the streets and see her smiles back at you.
And then when you are no longer here, you still live:
As some may remember you for your forgiveness
Some may miss your giving and accepting love
Others may find you in the wind as it brushes through their faces
Someone may seek for you in the ocean's salty scent
Perhaps people feel your warmth as they hug one another
Or a stranger just remember your smile as she walks down the streets
If you die tomorrow, would you have any regrets?
It's not to late to change today.
I just realized I wrote too much. At first I thought I would only share the poem. I often have more thoughts at night~very early morning, when everything is asleep. It's 3am now, and I think I should hop to bed. The last part of the entry is to remind myself all over again...as I reflect the life that I've been living till now. All I can say is, if I were to die tomorrow, I would have lots lots and lots of regrets! (you see, there are many delicious foods I have yet to try, heehee.. xD)
matsuo basho,
writing death and life
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