Monday, July 6, 2009

Getting back on track

I've been gaming too much that I seem to lost tracks of things I need to take care of.

I lost contact with friends and my counselor because of this.

This July I will straighten things up or else I will be in big TROUBLE.

So these are the things I need to do for the next few weeks:

+ Complete appeal letter before Wednesday
+ Call Animal Rescue League and ask for an interview
+ Take written driver license and take driving lesson
+ Make a schedule
+ Look for a job at Target or participate in some kind of programs (relating to art and programming)
+ Learn 10 new vocabs each day (need them for college writing in the fall) and read more books
+ Continue to move stuffs to my new apartment
+ Oh! Remember to buy paints (dark and light pink) for my room ;D


I've regained my inspiration for art again, time to work and sketch out those ideas

Ideas (titles only)
+ Dream weaver (sketch completed)
+ Tears collector (need more ideas on this)
+ Strangers in Paradise (Andre Re's song to get inspired)
+ Killed (swan, you know the idea)

Siggies! Must keep my words making siggies for

+ Macro/Micheal
+ Zerthyl/ WH
+ Crap/ Meovin ;D
+ Aliyssa/Lily

Many things to doooooo~~~~~~~~~~

1 comment:

  1. C++ ?? wow, i dont know anything about it, maybe i should study that too. is it hard? im working on excel. :( so many things i dont know how to use in excel :(
